by Kezi Leo
“Zaddy EP” the captivating debut release by the talented Kezi Leo under the esteemed banner of Stretch Hold Music Group. This meticulously crafted EP, born in the vibrant year of 2021, is a true testament to Kezi Leo’s musical prowess and artistic vision. It stands as a testament to Kezi Leo’s commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring the vast spectrum of musical possibilities. A collaborative effort, this EP showcases the unparalleled talents of Omani Reign, hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Uganda. Their unique contributions add an extra layer of cultural richness, infusing the EP with a global flavor that transcends borders.
With “Zaddy EP,” Kezi Leo establishes himself as an emerging force in the music industry, effortlessly fusing genres and delivering an auditory experience that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. This release marks the beginning of a promising career, hinting at even greater musical endeavors yet to come.